25 Mart 2019 Pazartesi


This week's work is wikiing. We are asked to write a wiki entry about a book we selected. I selected Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski. It has really a good impression on me. So if you want you can reach my wiki entry by clicking here

The sites that i collected information:

18 Mart 2019 Pazartesi

Teaching with Technology

How hard we try we can not imagine a life without technology today. As i mentioned at the previous posts we have to use technology as a teaching aid.Technology should be used as a tool not as a teacher.According to Peachey,technology gives students access to almost infinite number of materials.A student can reach millions of encyclopaedias and sources of information via internet,s/he can test his knowledge through the exams he can find on the internet. Technology has lots of advantages if it is used properly under the control of the teacher. For example before and after classes the teacher inform the students about what to do through the blogs and students can follow the classroom content accordingly. Besides it strenghten the communication between students and the teacher and it makes students think critically. Actually if it is not properly and is not used under the control of the teacher it can be an obstacle. When i was a 15,first year of my high school, we were given tablet computers to use as an aid for the classes within the scope of the FATIH Project .Actually the tablets were the best ones of the time but the problem was that the teachers couldn’t use the tablets. They continue to teach us in the traditional way as they used to do.So the high quality tablets were abused by the students and all the expenses went to waste. What i am trying to say is that the technology will be a great tool for us but only if we know how to use it and only if we use it altogether  

As a prospective teacher i will use technology with my students and i will do my best to make them get the best of the time’s technology in the future.

teaching with technology quotes ile ilgili görsel sonucu

You can see the website of the picture clicking here



Today i created my own podcast on the request of my teacher. We had three options to create podcast,i chose to produce an idea to make the world a better place and to comment about it. Well,indicating the idea was really difficult but once i indicated my idea the rest became easy. Actually,i enjoyed when i listened myself speaking English. This is the best part of podcasting i think. In the future,when i become an EL teacher i will want my students to create podcasts because it really feels good to hear yourself speaking the language you study hard to learn. Besides podcasting improves student's pronounciation.
My podcast is about bad sides of technology. Actually my blog is about the good effect of technology on the education. So it may seem a bit inconsistent but i think there are bad sides of technology as there are good sides of it. So this is the reason why i selected this subject. As i mentioned on the podcast,we should overcome the bad sides of the technology and we should use it in a good way.

You can listen my podcast by clicking here

11 Mart 2019 Pazartesi


As i have mentioned on the previous post technology is so much important in language classes and we have to use it effectively in our lessons. So in the last 100 years educators used technology accordingly and they tried to integrate technology to the English Language classes. As you can see on the timeline above the dates are used to show how the computer used to assist the language learning.

21st Century Skills

As the time goes by people improve themselves. We are in the 21.century and people have improved themselves in the last hundred years so much that we have some things that we,i mean, people do not have a hundred years ago. And one of these things is technology. When we consider how great invention technology in our lives we shouldn’t forget to mention that using it effectively especially for language teaching which is one of the most important things in today’s world. Technology can be a great assistant for us to teach English Language. Technology should be used to improve 21st century skills. What are 21st century skilss ? Let me explain,21st skills are skills that an induvidiual should have in today’s world to be successful in life. 21st skills include innovation,media career skills and so on. There are key subjects for 21st century and some of these are global awareness,financial,economic,civic,health literacy. And lastly about 21st century skills,i want to mention about 4Cs which are actually Learning and Innovation skills. These 4Cs( Communication,Collaboration,Creativity and Critical Thinking) are really important for Language teaching.

As a conclusion, technology should be used to improve 21st century skills in language learning classes. It should not be only used by teacher it should be used by both teacher and the students.
Hello and welcome to my blog. I,as a prospective English Language Teacher share some things about English Language Teaching here on my blog. I hope you enjoy them! 😁😊