25 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi

Final Post

Hello and for the last time welcome to my blog! We have come to end of the term,this is my final post. ln this post I will talk about what the Instructional Technologies and Material course have taught me and after a whole term what I have experienced about the effective use of technology in language classes.
Our teacher at the beginning of the term wanted us to write a paragraph about teaching with teachnology. Firstly I want to reflect back on to teaching with technology post. In that post,I hope you will remember, I put an emphasis on the usage of technology as a teaching tool not as a teacher itself. Approaching to end of the term,I still think the same but now my thoughts are much stronger compared to those times.Because throughout the term we used lots of technological tools while completing the tasks given by our teacher. Sometimes I had difficulties completing those tasks but after completing those tasks I gained lots of experiences. Of course all the tasks were important for us to complete but I, personaly liked some of them more. Those tasks are padlet Project,Digital story telling and wikiing. In the Padlet Project we worked together with my friends and we prepared a very good online bulletin board about global warming.As for Digital Story telling I wrote a story and prepared a video with my narration of the story,normally it was a pair task but because I couldn’t find a pair I made it all by myself. The last one wikiing was rating and introducing of a book by creating a wiki entry. I liked that task because I freely commented on my favourite book.As a prospective language  teacher,I will do my best to integrate technology in my classes in the very future as we learned on this course.
About Instructional Technologies and Material course,I have seen lots of educational technological tools thanks to this course and I can say the course improved me very much. I want to thank very much to our teacher Dr.Kurt for every thing and I wish you all happy day.

thank you gif ile ilgili görsel sonucu

22 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba

İnfographic About Web 2.0 Tools

Hello again everyone! This week’s another topic is creating an infographic about Web 2.0 tools. You will see my infographic below. But now,I want to talk about Web 2.0. “Web tools can be used to enhance teaching and collaboration among teachers and students as well as increase professional collaboration between educators.” This a citation from this article. Well, we used lots of Web 2.0 tools throughout the term. So I want to categorize them.
E-book tools: Cube Creator,  Wattpad,  Issuu,  Tikatok,  Ourboox,  Zooburst,  Calameo, My Storymaker,  Book Creator,  My Storybook, Flipsnack, Storybird
Online Exam ve Quiz Tools: Quızlet,  Easytestmaker,  What2learn,  Kubbu,  Quıbblo,  Quızrevolutıon,  Quiz Slides,  Kahoot,  Examtime,  Online Quiz Creator,  Edpuzzle, , FlipQuiz, , Exam Reader, Polldaddy, Mentimeter, Flubaroo, Plickers, Quizizz
Virtual Wall and Board Tools:, Popplet, Befunky, Tagul, Spiderscribe, Realtimeboard, Edistorm, Wridea, Bubbl.Us, Wordıtout, Mind42, Gliffy, Dipity, Padlet, Scribblar, Linoit, Wordle, Glogster, Tagcrowd
Foreign Language Tools: Earnings Training,  Fsı Languages Courses,  Happynumbers,  Voscreen,  Memrise Duolingo, Flocabulary,  Wideo.Co, Skype Translator
Video and Music Tools: Sparkol,  Roxio Photoshow,  Edjing,  Video Clip And Rotate,  Video Kolajlayıcı, Dublajj,  Meograph,  Fantashow,  Kizao,  Vcasmo,  Tube Chop,  Animoto

I gave categories for Web 2.0 tools.Now I want to talk about the advantages.These tools give students and teachers very good opportunities of learning. I made bold the ones I meet thanks to Material class.They are now very important tools ,but when I becaome a teacher I think these tools will replace with the better ones because you know the technology keeps developing. I wish you all happy day.

21 Mayıs 2019 Salı

RSS Feedreader

Hi,there! At the beginning of this term,our teacher wanted us the setup a RSS feedreader and follow ELT blogs. So this week's topic is RSS feedreader. I added RSS feedreader extension on my internet browser (google chrome) a few months ago. RSS feedreader enables us to follow you favourite blogs easely without visiting all the blogs one by one. So it is very practical to use. You can see screenshot of my RSS feedreader below  Among the blogs I follow,I liked most Lesson Design Digger and FilmEnglish blogs. Because they both have interesting lesson activities. But I can say that FilmEnglish is my best one.The blog is created by  Kieran Donaghy. I liked this blog because it integrates a video to the lesson and all the lesson is shaped around the video. When I looked at the videos,I saw that the videos have meanings and the lesson plans are coherent with the videos.
I recommend you all to use RSS Feedreader,Have a nice day!
You can visit FilmEnglish blog from here

14 Mayıs 2019 Salı

Digital Storytelling

Hello again everyone! This week's topic was digital storytelling. Our teacher wanted us to create a digital story and narrate it by ourselves. Normally the project is pair work but because i couldn't find any pair,i made it individually. Our teacher gave us options for this project and i chose to create a fictional story.
About digital storytelling,preparation of the story is a very hard process i have to say. But i should admit that i had great fun preparing my story yet i had difficulties sometimes because i did it on my own. Our teacher did not advise us any video editor program,she wanted us to find by ourselves. I used a mobile application named 'filmigo'. Preparation of a digital story needs creativity and critical thinking skills and develops them at the end of the project. Collaboration and communication skills are also developed via this project. So digital story telling works for all 21st skills. As for me,in the future i will definitely give this kind of digital story tasks to my students.
I attached my digital story link below.You can also listen my story my clicking here. Have a nice day!

*By the way,there is a word that i couldn't pronounce well in the story. It is 'furiously'

13 Mayıs 2019 Pazartesi


Hello eveyone again! After a little break here i am. This week's topic was to create an online poster. There was two option to choose. I chose movie poster of a film project. I created poster of crime and punishment. About online poster assignment,i would definetely give my students such assignment because it is not something difficult. Students use their creativity skills to create such posters. I attached my poster below. Have a nice day!

22 Nisan 2019 Pazartesi

Website Evaluation

Hello again everyone!
This week's task is evaluating an ELT website. I chose to evaluate One Stop English  website. The website is an English Language material website.I think this website is a great aid for English language teachers. Because the website is so rich in materials and i think i will definitelyuse that kind of ELT website in the future when i become an English Language teacher. The following subtitles will help you learn more about the website.
Audience and the purpose:
The audience of the website is English language teachers and the website mainly aims to provide English  Language Teachers with limitless resources and materials for their lessons.
The authorization:
The website is authored by Macmillan Education which is a English teaching material Publisher.All materials are created by the expert teachers and authors team.
The content:
The website contains a lot of resources and materials such as flashcards,audios,videos,podcasts,worksheets,learning plans,etc. There are categories like children,teenager,business English language teaching and each category has lots of resources .
Last update date:
There is not an actual date showing last update but there is a lastly news lessons part and there is a news which is dated 18 April 2019.Actually this information shows that the website is uptaded regularly.
Broken link-error control:
The website’s foundation dates back to 2000,so there is not any technical problem nor a wrong information.(the date is written at the bottom of the home page.)
Images’ quality and appealing to target audience:
The images and the materials are really high quality and they appeal to English Language Teachers. There are categories for all skills and there are seperate parts for each skill and for each subject and these parts rich in content. A teacher can find whatever he/she wants to teach his/her students.
That’s all for this week! Take care of yourself, see you next week every one! J

You can reach the website by clicking here

15 Nisan 2019 Pazartesi

Padlet Project

Hello everyone! After a short midterm break here we are again.
This week's topic was creating a padlet. Our teacher wanted us to creat a padlet in collaboration with our friends. Firtsly,i want to talk about what padlet is. Padlet is "an application to create an online bulletin board that you can use to display information for any topic." This is the definition taken from teachersfirst website. This is the first time i used a padlet. Personally,I had a great fun while i was creating my first padlet with my friends.We chose ‘Project 1’ and our topic was “Climate Change”.We worked together in collaboration with my friends on this Project.We shared and discussed effects,causes and evidences of climate change,and we stated possible solutions to Climate Change.Then we also conducted a short survey about Climate Change.
At the end,we learned a lot of informations,facts about Climate Change and we had the ability to state possible solutions to prevent this rapid change in the earth’s atmosphere.
I think creating a padlet contributes to the development of all skills of 21.century learning skills. It contributes to ‘critical thinking’ and ‘creativity’ skills as students create content while it contributes to ‘communication’ and ‘collaboration’ skills as students share content and prepare the padlet.As a prospective teacher i will definitely use padlet in the future.
By clicking here you can reach the padlet we created.

25 Mart 2019 Pazartesi


This week's work is wikiing. We are asked to write a wiki entry about a book we selected. I selected Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevski. It has really a good impression on me. So if you want you can reach my wiki entry by clicking here

The sites that i collected information:

18 Mart 2019 Pazartesi

Teaching with Technology

How hard we try we can not imagine a life without technology today. As i mentioned at the previous posts we have to use technology as a teaching aid.Technology should be used as a tool not as a teacher.According to Peachey,technology gives students access to almost infinite number of materials.A student can reach millions of encyclopaedias and sources of information via internet,s/he can test his knowledge through the exams he can find on the internet. Technology has lots of advantages if it is used properly under the control of the teacher. For example before and after classes the teacher inform the students about what to do through the blogs and students can follow the classroom content accordingly. Besides it strenghten the communication between students and the teacher and it makes students think critically. Actually if it is not properly and is not used under the control of the teacher it can be an obstacle. When i was a 15,first year of my high school, we were given tablet computers to use as an aid for the classes within the scope of the FATIH Project .Actually the tablets were the best ones of the time but the problem was that the teachers couldn’t use the tablets. They continue to teach us in the traditional way as they used to do.So the high quality tablets were abused by the students and all the expenses went to waste. What i am trying to say is that the technology will be a great tool for us but only if we know how to use it and only if we use it altogether  

As a prospective teacher i will use technology with my students and i will do my best to make them get the best of the time’s technology in the future.

teaching with technology quotes ile ilgili görsel sonucu

You can see the website of the picture clicking here



Today i created my own podcast on the request of my teacher. We had three options to create podcast,i chose to produce an idea to make the world a better place and to comment about it. Well,indicating the idea was really difficult but once i indicated my idea the rest became easy. Actually,i enjoyed when i listened myself speaking English. This is the best part of podcasting i think. In the future,when i become an EL teacher i will want my students to create podcasts because it really feels good to hear yourself speaking the language you study hard to learn. Besides podcasting improves student's pronounciation.
My podcast is about bad sides of technology. Actually my blog is about the good effect of technology on the education. So it may seem a bit inconsistent but i think there are bad sides of technology as there are good sides of it. So this is the reason why i selected this subject. As i mentioned on the podcast,we should overcome the bad sides of the technology and we should use it in a good way.

You can listen my podcast by clicking here

11 Mart 2019 Pazartesi


As i have mentioned on the previous post technology is so much important in language classes and we have to use it effectively in our lessons. So in the last 100 years educators used technology accordingly and they tried to integrate technology to the English Language classes. As you can see on the timeline above the dates are used to show how the computer used to assist the language learning.

21st Century Skills

As the time goes by people improve themselves. We are in the 21.century and people have improved themselves in the last hundred years so much that we have some things that we,i mean, people do not have a hundred years ago. And one of these things is technology. When we consider how great invention technology in our lives we shouldn’t forget to mention that using it effectively especially for language teaching which is one of the most important things in today’s world. Technology can be a great assistant for us to teach English Language. Technology should be used to improve 21st century skills. What are 21st century skilss ? Let me explain,21st skills are skills that an induvidiual should have in today’s world to be successful in life. 21st skills include innovation,media career skills and so on. There are key subjects for 21st century and some of these are global awareness,financial,economic,civic,health literacy. And lastly about 21st century skills,i want to mention about 4Cs which are actually Learning and Innovation skills. These 4Cs( Communication,Collaboration,Creativity and Critical Thinking) are really important for Language teaching.

As a conclusion, technology should be used to improve 21st century skills in language learning classes. It should not be only used by teacher it should be used by both teacher and the students.
Hello and welcome to my blog. I,as a prospective English Language Teacher share some things about English Language Teaching here on my blog. I hope you enjoy them! 😁😊